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The Total Package
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The Total Package

Established in 1970, PT. IMCP has grown to become a leading supplier in total packaging,

providing clients with high quality cans made of tinplate and tin free steel (TFS) components

for 3-piece beverage, dry-food, processed-food, aerosol, sweet condensed milk,

cigarettes, can ends, and multicolor printing sheets.

Our extensive experience in the production of metal packaging allows us to present product innovation,

which supports our customers by adding value to their products.

Our reputation is based on a foundation of quality, excellence and unsurpassed technical expertise,

enabling us to be a devoted solutions-based partner to our customers.

This constant pursuit supports our rapid growth in the last five decades.

Predominantly, we offer exceptional services and outstanding lead-times with our ‘on-time, every time’ standard.

From our manufacturing base in Indonesia, not only do we deliver all throughout Indonesia,

but our customers also export our cans filled with their products all around the world.

PT IMCP has several operations sites in Indonesia, including Surabaya, Krian, Bogor, and Serang,

which spread along the Java Island as Java island is the main center of business in Indonesia.

Our main corporate headquarters is located in Surabaya, East Java.

The company is also supported by their marketing offices, located in Jakarta and Surabaya.

You can rest assured that we will be on hand to supply and support you through our customer service team.