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Metal Lithographic Printing
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Metal Lithographic Printing

Lithography comes from the ancient Greek which means "Writing with Stone".

By definition, lithography is the process of printing (print) from a flat surface that is made in such a way

that it can remove ink except on the part that will indeed be printed.

Since 1796 (the year the discovery of lithography by German scientist Alois Senefelder),

the science and technology of lithography has continued to develop.

Early lithography was used as a method for mass-producing printing-based objects such as paintings and books.

As time goes by, and as technology develops, the principles of lithography begin to be applied

in the industrial world, including the metal packaging industry. Lithography,

in the metal packaging industry is used to provide color decoration or coloring of the tinplate surface.

As a company that has been established since 1970,

IMCP also gives a fairly vital concentration on this matter.

This is proven by the multicolor 7 and 8 color machines currently being used in IMCP.

Thus, the customer's desire to create each of their designs can be realized

or created well in the hands of IMCP professionals

IMCP continues to progress by investing in the latest and best technology in metal lithographic printing

because of the company’s desire and promise to ensure that all customers’ design requirements and needs are fulfilled.