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The community of PT. IMCP partake in a shared vision that is much more than a well-built brand with an esteemed reputation.

We are a metal packaging manufacturer on a rigorous quest to be the world's leading packaging industry through

meaningful innovation and excellent service.

We will achieve this vision through the execution of our mission:

  1. Providing outstanding quality performance to fulfill customer satisfaction
  2. Instigating cost-efficient strategies
  3. Ensuring on-time delivery ‘On Time, Every time”
  4. Promising customer innovation
  5. Generating value for our company through sustainable growth
  6. Accommodating technical and process services for customer needs

The advancing progress of PT. IMCP hinges on our six core values of: quality, cost, delivery, innovation, development, and service.

With these values in mind, we are dedicated in administering our daily business practices with the highest degree of integrity.