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History and Timeline
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IMCP Founded in 1970 by Bp. Hidajat Wangsawidjaja, PT IMCP developed into one of the suppliers of cans and closures (lids made of metal) in Indonesia. Have factory and office based on Jl. Rungkut Industri I No. 10 Surabaya. along with customer demand is so large, then PT IMCP established several branches factories in the East Java and West Java regions with marketing offices in Surabaya and Jakarta.



Production of paint cans and thinners, still using a soldering machine and done manually


In this year IMCP in terms of welding has used a butterfly welding machine, it can be said that this year it is still semi-manual



From originally producing round cans, this year IMCP started producing oil cans which were then box-shaped



This is the first year that IMCP began the production of food cans, when there was a biscuit company that was very popular with canned boxes, and we became one of the suppliers of these cans.



After success in the production of biscuit cans in the form of boxes, IMCP began to add round biscuit tin variants with DIA 150mm, 190mm, 230mm, 265mm.



Aerosols and conical began to be produced this year



Major innovation occurred this year, IMCP began production of food cans, namely sardines and juice cans with DIA 52mm



After blooming with various kinds of cans as packaging for a product, this year we started producing cans



Do not stop with cigarettes in cans, the demand for milk powder cans began to come and become a new production order for IMCP this year. It was also the beginning of IMCP in producing 603 cans



Variants of DRD cans began to be produced also this year, and at that time those using cans of DRD 307 type were the tuna industry



This type of DRD can continues to grow so that it appears with a new size of 113 x 60 at that time used by one of the companies that produced wax polish



As the crabmeat business began to expand in Indonesia, at the same time IMCP welcomed the good thing by starting to produce crabmeat cans